Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cream City Chick Changes

The Cream City Chicks, they are a-changin' it seems. Two of the ladies have told me that don't feel that the Chapter is what they're looking for. Unfortunately, last Wednesday, I was left "holding the proverbial bag" when no one showed up for the meeting. I knew that Sarah wouldn't be coming. I think that she may be staying with the Chapter - I truly hope so. Jill and Danielle are looking for something different that what I have envisioned. So, I have asked them all to think about whether or not they want to continue or not, but that I do have one condition - that being that they tell me what their decision is, sooner rather than later. I guess we'll see what transpires.


Unknown said...

Nice blog , good luck with your chapter. I am following your blog now.
Cheryl K-falls Farmgirl

cream_city_chick-A-DEE said...


Thanks for the comment. It's my first attemp at blogging, so I'm learning as I go. I'm following your blog as well - it's lovely!
