Friday, January 2, 2009

New Beginnings

The beginning of a new year is always so energizing to me. I'm filled with new ideas, new dreams, new hopes. As I continue to explore the world of blogs, I've discovered so many beautiful ones. The newest one is one by Layla called "TheLetteredCottage."

One of my challenges this year is to work on my own blog - lots of learning for me to do to get make mine look as good as what I see out there. But, I see so many inspiring ideas, that I'm motivated to try.

I'll also be starting this month on my craft/sewing area in our spare bedroom/library!!! I'm so excited about that! Once I have it finished & get my digital camera, I'll post a picture of it here. I've been missing a workspace all my own for a long, long time! But not for much longer!

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